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diagnostic aids

fluorescein angiography

It is an examination that is carried out at the bottom of the eye with the injection of an intravenous dye that shows how the retina is anatomically and functionally, specifically the vascular irrigation.

  • Submit a copy of the history or medical referral.

  • Bring the creatinine result if it was sent to you.

  • Always come with a companion, because it is done under pupil dilation.

  • Do not suspend the medications you usually take and bring the formula or name of the same.

  • It does not require fasting, a light meal is recommended before the exam. 

  • Wear comfortable clothing.

  • Bring dark glasses to reduce the discomfort of light due to the dilated pupil.

  • It cannot be done if there is an ongoing ocular infectious process or treatment.


20 minutes

Maximum availability 
of time

2 hour

ocular ultrasound

It is an exam that by means of an ultrasound evaluates the internal structures of the eye to determine its state.

  • Submit a copy of the history or medical referral.

  • The patient must inform about the medication they are using since some medications can alter the result.

  • It cannot be done if there is an ongoing ocular infectious process or treatment.


20 minutes

Maximum availability 
of time

1 hour

conventional photos of eye fundus and wide field

Photographic images of the retina of the eye. They are taken with a retinal camera and are used to record pathologies or as a follow-up.

  • Submit a copy of the history or medical referral.

  • Always come with a companion as it is done with a dilated pupil.

  • Discontinue the use of contact lenses.

  • Bring dark glasses to reduce the discomfort of light due to the dilated pupil.

  • It cannot be done if there is an ongoing ocular infectious process or treatment.


20 minutes

Maximum availability 
of time

40 minutes

Specular microscopy (endothelial cell count)

Test through which a count is made and the shape of the cells of the corneal endothelium (innermost layer of the cornea) is studied.

  • Submit a copy of the history or medical referral.

  • Suspend the use of contact lenses 3 days before.

  • It cannot be done if there is an ongoing ocular infectious process or treatment.


20 minutes

Maximum availability 
of time

40 minutes


Examination that analyzes in detail the anterior segment of the eye.

  • Submit a copy of the history or medical referral.

  • Suspend the use of soft contact lenses at least 3 days before and rigid contact lenses at least 8 days or according to medical criteria.

  • Do not wear makeup in the eye area

  • It cannot be done if there is an ongoing ocular infectious process or treatment.


20 minutes

Maximum availability 
of time

40 minutes

YAG procedure
laser and laser SLT

The YAG laser is a light that produces tissue breakdown by a mechanism called photodisruption. It is used in ophthalmology to make small holes in the iris called iridotomy or also in the posterior capsule of the lens called capsulotomy. The SLT or selecta laser is a variety of YAG laser used for the treatment of some pathologies such as glaucoma. During the procedure the patient receives a light that produces the described effect. It is only performed by the ophthalmologist.

  • It does not require fasting, a light meal is recommended before the exam.

  • Come with a companion because in some cases the pupil dilates.

  • Avoid applying makeup to the eye area.

  • Bring dark glasses to reduce the discomfort of light due to the dilated pupil.

  • It cannot be done if there is an ongoing ocular infectious process or treatment.


20 minutes

Maximum availability 
of time

1 hour

eye biometry

Through this test, the length of the eye can be measured, allowing the power of the intraocular lens to be implanted inside the eye after cataract surgery to be calculated.

  • Submit a copy of the history or medical referral.

  • Suspend the use of contact lenses at least three days before or according to instructions given by the treating physician.

  • It cannot be done if there is an ongoing ocular infectious process or treatment.


20 minutes

Maximum availability 
of time

1 hour

Visual field or campimetry

Test that determines the width of the field of vision or visual field. It is mainly used in patients with suspected or diagnosed glaucoma.

  • Submit a copy of the history or medical referral.

  • come rested The test should not be done if you are sleepy, tired or have difficulty concentrating.

  • Bring the glasses you use or the written formula.

  • Do not be with the pupil dilated.

  • It cannot be done if there is an ongoing ocular infectious process or treatment.


20 minutes

Maximum availability 
of time

1 hour

Electroretinogram and 

Test that serves to establish the function of some cells of the retina through their stimulation with lights or intermittent patterns.

  • Submit a copy of the history or medical referral.

  • Do not apply makeup on the face.

  • Bring the glasses you wear.

  • Always come accompanied because it requires pupil dilation.

  • Bring dark glasses to reduce the discomfort of light due to the dilated pupil.


20 minutes

Maximum availability 
of time

1 hour

autofluorescence photos

Photographs of the retina with the OPTOMAP camera, through a color filter that allows specific evaluation of some structures.

  • Submit a copy of the history or medical referral.

  • Always come with a companion as it is done with a dilated pupil.

  • Discontinue the use of contact lenses.

  • It cannot be done if there is an ongoing ocular infectious process or treatment

  • bring glassesCures to reduce discomfort to light due to dilated pupil.


20 minutes

Maximum availability 
of time

40 minutes

ODP (ocular path difference) scan.

Examination that records the optics of the eye from the cornea to the retina by means of a scanner.

  • Submit a copy of the history or medical referral.

  • Suspend the use of soft contact lenses at least 3 days before and rigid contact lenses at least 8 days or according to medical criteria.

  • Come with a companion because in some cases it is done with pupil dilation.

  • Avoid applying makeup to the eye area.

  • Bring dark glasses to reduce the discomfort of light due to the dilated pupil.

  • It cannot be done if there is an ongoing ocular infectious process or treatment.


15 minutes

Maximum availability 
of time

40 minutes

visual evoked potentials

It is a test that records eye activity in the brain.

  • Submit a copy of the history or medical referral.

  • Bring the glasses you use or the written prescription.

  • Children under 5 years of age or with cognitive disabilities bring them sleepy to perform the exam while they sleep.

  • Bring very clean hair without hairspray or gel to facilitate the adhesion of the electrodes.

  • Avoid makeup on the face.

  • It cannot be done if there is an ongoing ocular infectious process or treatment.


20 minutes

Maximum availability 
of time

2 hours

OCT (optical coherent tomography or tomography
optical coherence)

It is a diagnostic method that allows obtaining high-resolution images of different intraocular structures.

  • Come with a companion because in some cases it is done with pupil dilation.

  • Avoid applying makeup to the eye area.

  • Bring dark glasses to reduce the discomfort of light due to the dilated pupil.

  • In anterior segment OCT to evaluate contact lenses, you must wear them.

  • It cannot be done if there is an ongoing ocular infectious process or treatment.


20 minutes

Maximum availability 
of time

1 hour

clinical face photos

Photographic images of different planes of the face and eyes.

  • Submit a copy of the history or medical referral.

  • Come without makeup in the eye area.


20 minutes

Maximum availability 
of time

40 minutes

Interferometry or PAM

It is an exam that determines the visual acuity that a patient could achieve after cataract surgery.

  • Submit a copy of the history or medical referral.

  • Always come with a companion because in some cases it is done with a dilated pupil.

  • It cannot be done if there is an ongoing ocular infectious process or treatment.


20 minutes

Maximum availability 
of time

40 minutes


It is an exam that determines the thickness or thickness of the cornea through ultrasound.

  • Submit a copy of the history or medical referral.

  • Suspend the use of soft contact lenses at least 3 days before and rigid contact lenses at least 8 days or according to medical criteria.

  • Do not wear makeup in the eye area.

  • It cannot be done if there is an ongoing ocular infectious process or treatment.


20 minutes

Maximum availability 
of time

40 minutes

procedure with
argon laser

The argon laser is a light that produces photocoagulation of the tissues and is used especially to treat retinal pathologies such as diabetic retinopathy. It is also used in the anterior segment of the eye to cauterize some eyelash vessels and follicles. It is only performed by the ophthalmologist.

  • It does not require fasting, a light meal is recommended before the exam.

  • Come with a companion because in some cases the pupil dilates.

  • Avoid applying makeup to the eye area.

  • Bring dark glasses to reduce the discomfort of light due to the dilated pupil.

  • It cannot be done if there is an ongoing ocular infectious process or treatment.


20 minutes

Maximum availability 
of time

2 hours

corneal topography

It is an examination that allows to evaluate the state of the surface of the cornea, establishing the most flat or depressed areas and the most curved or elevated ones.

  • Submit a copy of the history or medical referral.

  • Suspend the use of soft contact lenses at least 8 days before and rigid contact lenses at least 15 days or according to medical criteria.

  • Do not wear makeup in the eye area.

  • It cannot be done if there is an ongoing ocular infectious process or treatment.


20 minutes

Maximum availability of time

2 hours

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