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of the user

user security
security policy

For CLOFÁN, the user is the center of development and evolution of our processes, which makes efforts focus on him and his family, their well-being and above all their safety. For this reason, we are committed to providing quality services, promoting safe processes and environments; through the systematic implementation of barriers that minimize the risks associated with care and the strengthening of a culture that favors safety. Likewise, our commitment points to the continuous identification, reporting and management of incidents and adverse events with a non-punitive, but non-permissive approach.

The main objective of the policy is to establish the guidelines for the design and implementation of safe practices in health care that is delivered to users, to prevent and/or reduce the occurrence of avoidable adverse events. 

The Clofán Clinic directs its policy to:

  • Commitment of the organization's senior management to user safety, which is explicit in the strategic direction and managerial monitoring of its indicators.


  • Design, implementation, monitoring and control of a permanent user safety program.


  • Identification and management of risks for the user derived from health care.


  • Integration with other institutional policies of human talent, physical environment, technology management, information systems management, patient safety and quality goal policies.

paciente Clínica Clofán - política de seguridad

We have a user safety program

The purpose of which is to implement preventive and proactive methodological strategies and tools adapted by the CLOFAN clinic, in order to identify, evaluate and control the risks inherent in the care process, prevent and detect the presence of unsafe actions, incidents and adverse events, generating a culture of safety for the user, as the main axis of care, his family and health team.

international goals

The Clofán clinic adopts the 6 user safety goals

GOAL 1 Identify 

users correctly

The objective of this goal is to improve the precision in the identification of users to prevent errors that involve the wrong user in administrative and care processes such as: user admission, delivery of clinical support, administration of medications, blood or blood products, taking of clinical analysis samples, diagnostic aids and medical procedures.

Therefore, it is essential to use at least two identifiers during the provision of the service (Full name and identity document number).

GOAL 3 Improve security 

in the use of medicines

The objective is to prevent medication errors. High-vigilance medications are those associated with a high percentage of errors and with a high risk of adverse outcomes. The CLOFAN clinic defines a list of high-risk medications.

GOAL 5 Reduce the risk of

infections associated with 

health care

The objective: of this goal is to reduce the risk, through an effective hand washing program, to promote the prevention and control of infections in the clinic, this being the essential primary measure of prevention.

Paciente Cínica Clofán

GOAL 2 Improve 

effective communication

The objective of this goal is to prevent the health care team using different tools in order to ensure continuous and safe care for users.
The large components in which the verbal transfer of information occurs in clinical practice are three:
Verbal or telephone orders.
Communication of critical analytical results or diagnostic tests.
Transfer of patient responsibility.

GOAL 4 Guarantee surgery in the

right place, with the procedure

correct and in the correct user

Ensure that all the complete medical history and necessary resources are available. The actions that make it possible to guarantee that they were performed on the user in the operating room must be recorded in the safe surgery checklist.


For the attention of the user, this goal establishes three essential processes, which are located in the universal protocol:

  1. Marking of the surgical site (Laterality).

  2. A preparation checklist verification process.

  3. The start intraoperative checklist, which takes place just before the start of a procedure.

  4. WHO Surgery Safety Checklist (Safe Surgery Checklist).

GOAL 6 Reduce the risk of

damage caused by falls

The objective is to identify, evaluate and re-evaluate the risk of presenting a fall in all patients and take the corresponding preventive measures. The use of a fall risk assessment tool is recommended to identify patients at high risk of falling (Downton scale).
If the patient is at risk, it must be identified: a badge (sticker) can be placed and it is also essential to inform family members about the risks and how to prevent

the falls.

Good practices for user security

  • The clinic is committed to applying the good practices that apply:

  • Prevent pressure ulcers.

  • Prevent complications associated with the availability and handling of blood and components and blood transfusion.

  • Prevent the fatigue of health personnel.

  • Guarantee the functionality of the Informed Consent procedures.

  • Illustrate the patient in self-care for their safety (EDUCATION IMPROVEMENT TEAM).

Management of clinical events 
(incidents and adverse events)

The management of incidents and adverse events includes the identification, reporting, investigation, analysis and improvement plans to prevent their recurrence. Once the cases are identified, either by active or reactive search, they must be reported to document management and improvement.

Mapa de gestión de eventos clínicos de la Clínica Clofán

Security advice
for the user and his family 

Mapa consejos de seguridad para el usuario y su familia - Clínica Clofán




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