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ocular surface
At Clínica Clofán we are convinced that the ocular surface deserves special attention since every day there are more cases of dry eye. One of the most frequent queries that we receive are those related to ocular surface diseases.
One of the most frequent causes of dry eye today is the excessive use of screens and electronic devices, other causes may be systemic diseases, certain medications, environmental pollution or other eye diseases.
What is the Ocular Surface?
It is a unit composed of several structures: tear film, conjunctiva and cornea, additionally there are the eyelids and annexes (eyelashes and eyebrows). Inside the eyelids are the glands that form tears, the conjunctiva is the outer membrane that covers the eye, and the cornea is a transparent lens that is in the front part of the eye.
What is the Center
ocular surface?
It is a space dedicated exclusively to the study and treatment of pathologies on the surfaces of the eyes and allows us to characterize and give special attention to each case. We provide study, diagnosis and successful treatment for each type of dry eye, thanks to our state-of-the-art equipment.
– Eye strain with frequent blinking
– Sensation of irritation or burning
– Constant dryness
– Itchy and scratchy eyes
– Pain, burning or stinging sensation
– Heaviness in the eyelids
- Red eyes
– Annoyance with light (photophobia)
- Blurry vision
– Watery eyes (dryness of the eye surface sometimes overstimulates tear production)
– Sensation of a foreign body or grit in the eye
What are the main symptoms of dry eye?
At the Ocular Surface Center we make an adequate, precise and accurate diagnosis with innovative high-tech equipment, through which we are able to determine the type of dry eye, its severity and its different clinical manifestations. The diagnostic test is quick, non-invasive, and painless.
4 basic exams are carried out that meet the TFOS criteria.
– DEWS2 (latest update for the study and diagnosis of dry eye)
– NIBUT: Measurement of the breaking time of the film
additional exams
Presence of blepharitis and demodex, redness of the bulbar conjunctiva, ocular surface staining, pupillometry, white-to-white measurement, and corneal deformation.
Types of treatment
There are several options to treat and prevent ocular surface diseases. The most important thing is that you do not self-medicate: if you have probable symptoms of dry eye disease, the first thing you should do is consult an ophthalmologist.
We have a wide portfolio of therapy for ocular surface pathologies, depending on the specific case of each patient, such as ocular lubricants, anti-inflammatory drugs for the ocular surface, punctal occlusion, intense pulsed light therapy, even surgical treatment in more severe cases. .
Intense pulsed light treatment
The light that is applied around the eyelids in the periocular area is an innovative equipment and helps to improve the production of the glands.
Benefits of this equipment:
– Optimize post-surgical results with the treatment given before surgery (refractive, cataract).
– IPL therapy improves the quality of the tear film.
– Increases the comfort of the contact lens wearer.